Source code for jaxns.utils

import io
import logging
from typing import NamedTuple, TextIO, Union, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Callable

import numpy as np
from jax import numpy as jnp, tree_map, vmap, random, jit, lax

from jaxns.framework.bases import BaseAbstractModel
from jaxns.internals.cumulative_ops import cumulative_op_static
from jaxns.internals.log_semiring import LogSpace
from jaxns.internals.maps import prepare_func_args
from jaxns.internals.random import resample_indicies
from jaxns.internals.types import NestedSamplerResults, float_type, XType, UType, FloatArray, IntArray, \
from jaxns.internals.types import PRNGKey
from jaxns.warnings import deprecated

logger = logging.getLogger('jaxns')

__all__ = [

[docs] def resample(key: PRNGKey, samples: Union[XType, UType], log_weights: jnp.ndarray, S: int = None, replace: bool = False) -> XType: """ Resample the weighted samples into uniformly weighted samples. Args: key: PRNGKey samples: samples from nested sampled results log_weights: log-posterior weight S: number of samples to generate. Will use Kish's estimate of ESS if None. replace: whether to sample with replacement Returns: equally weighted samples """ idx = resample_indicies(key, log_weights, S=S, replace=replace) return tree_map(lambda s: s[idx, ...], samples)
_V = TypeVar('_V') def evaluate_map_estimate_from_U(results: NestedSamplerResults, model: BaseAbstractModel, fun: Callable[..., _V]) -> _V: """ Marginalises function over posterior samples, where ESS is static. Args: results: results from run fun (:code:`callable(**kwargs)`): function to marginalise Returns: estimate at MAP sample point """ map_sample_U = maximum_a_posteriori_point_U(results=results) V = model.prepare_input(U=map_sample_U) return fun(*V)
[docs] def marginalise_static_from_U(key: PRNGKey, U_samples: UType, model: BaseAbstractModel, log_weights: jnp.ndarray, ESS: int, fun: Callable[..., _V]) -> _V: """ Marginalises function over posterior samples, where ESS is static. Args: key: PRNG key U_samples: array of U samples model: model log_weights: log weights from nested sampling ESS: static effective sample size fun (:code:`callable(**kwargs)`): function to marginalise Returns: expectation over resampled samples """ U_samples = resample(key, U_samples, log_weights, S=ESS, replace=True) def _eval(U): V = model.prepare_input(U=U) return fun(*V) marginalised = tree_map(lambda marg: jnp.nanmean(marg, axis=0), vmap(_eval)(U_samples)) return marginalised
[docs] def marginalise_dynamic_from_U(key: PRNGKey, U_samples: UType, model: BaseAbstractModel, log_weights: jnp.ndarray, ESS: jnp.ndarray, fun: Callable[..., _V]) -> _V: """ Marginalises function over posterior samples, where ESS can be dynamic. Args: key: PRNG key U_samples: array of U samples model: model log_weights: log weights from nested sampling ESS: dynamic effective sample size fun (:code:`callable(**kwargs)`): function to marginalise Returns: expectation of `func` over resampled samples. """ ESS = jnp.asarray(ESS) def _eval(U): V = model.prepare_input(U=U) return fun(*V) def body(state): (key, i, count, marginalised) = state key, resample_key = random.split(key, 2) _samples = resample(resample_key, U_samples, log_weights, S=1) _sample = tree_map(lambda v: v[0], _samples) update = _eval(_sample) count = tree_map(lambda y, c: jnp.where(jnp.any(jnp.isnan(y)), c, c + jnp.asarray(1, c.dtype)), update, count) marginalised = tree_map(lambda x, y: jnp.where(jnp.isnan(y), x, x + y.astype(x.dtype)), marginalised, update) return (key, i + jnp.ones_like(i), count, marginalised) test_output = fun(**tree_map(lambda v: v[0], U_samples)) count = tree_map(lambda x: jnp.asarray(0, x.dtype), test_output) init_marginalised = tree_map(lambda x: jnp.zeros_like(x), test_output) (_, _, count, marginalised) = lax.while_loop(lambda state: state[1] < ESS, body, (key, jnp.array(0, ESS.dtype), count, init_marginalised)) marginalised = tree_map(lambda x, c: x / c, marginalised, count) return marginalised
[docs] def marginalise_static(key: PRNGKey, samples: XType, log_weights: jnp.ndarray, ESS: int, fun: Callable[..., _V]) -> _V: """ Marginalises function over posterior samples, where ESS is static. Args: key: PRNG key samples (dict): dict of batched array of nested sampling samples log_weights: log weights from nested sampling ESS: static effective sample size fun (:code:`callable(**kwargs)`): function to marginalise Returns: expectation over resampled samples """ fun = prepare_func_args(fun) samples = resample(key, samples, log_weights, S=ESS, replace=True) marginalised = tree_map(lambda marg: jnp.nanmean(marg, axis=0), vmap(fun)(**samples)) return marginalised
[docs] def marginalise_dynamic(key: PRNGKey, samples: XType, log_weights: jnp.ndarray, ESS: jnp.ndarray, fun: Callable[..., _V]) -> _V: """ Marginalises function over posterior samples, where ESS can be dynamic. Args: key: PRNG key samples (dict): dict of batched array of nested sampling samples log_weights: log weights from nested sampling ESS: dynamic effective sample size fun (:code:`callable(**kwargs)`): function to marginalise Returns: expectation of `func` over resampled samples. """ fun = prepare_func_args(fun) ESS = jnp.asarray(ESS) def body(state): (key, i, count, marginalised) = state key, resample_key = random.split(key, 2) _samples = resample(resample_key, samples, log_weights, S=1) _sample = tree_map(lambda v: v[0], _samples) update = fun(**_sample) count = tree_map(lambda y, c: jnp.where(jnp.any(jnp.isnan(y)), c, c + jnp.asarray(1, c.dtype)), update, count) marginalised = tree_map(lambda x, y: jnp.where(jnp.isnan(y), x, x + y.astype(x.dtype)), marginalised, update) return (key, i + jnp.ones_like(i), count, marginalised) test_output = fun(**tree_map(lambda v: v[0], samples)) count = tree_map(lambda x: jnp.asarray(0, x.dtype), test_output) init_marginalised = tree_map(lambda x: jnp.zeros_like(x), test_output) (_, _, count, marginalised) = lax.while_loop(lambda state: state[1] < ESS, body, (key, jnp.array(0, ESS.dtype), count, init_marginalised)) marginalised = tree_map(lambda x, c: x / c, marginalised, count) return marginalised
[docs] def maximum_a_posteriori_point(results: NestedSamplerResults) -> XType: """ Get the MAP point of a nested sampling result. Does this by choosing the point with largest L(x) p(x). Args: results (NestedSamplerResult): Nested sampler result Returns: dict of samples at MAP-point. """ map_idx = jnp.argmax(results.log_posterior_density) map_points = tree_map(lambda x: x[map_idx], results.samples) return map_points
def maximum_a_posteriori_point_U(results: NestedSamplerResults) -> UType: """ Get the MAP point of a nested sampling result. Does this by choosing the point with largest L(x) p(x). Args: results (NestedSamplerResult): Nested sampler result Returns: dict of samples at MAP-point. """ map_idx = jnp.argmax(results.log_posterior_density) map_points = tree_map(lambda x: x[map_idx], results.U_samples) return map_points
[docs] def evaluate_map_estimate(results: NestedSamplerResults, fun: Callable[..., _V]) -> _V: """ Marginalises function over posterior samples, where ESS is static. Args: results: results from run fun (:code:`callable(**kwargs)`): function to marginalise Returns: estimate at MAP sample point """ fun = prepare_func_args(fun) map_sample = maximum_a_posteriori_point(results=results) return fun(**map_sample)
def _bit_mask(int_mask, width=8): """ Convert an integer mask into a bit-mask. I.e. convert an integer into list of left-starting bits. Examples: 1 -> [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] 2 -> [0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0] 3 -> [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0] Args: int_mask: int width: number of output bits Returns: List of bits from left """ return list(map(int, '{:0{size}b}'.format(int_mask, size=width)))[::-1]
[docs] def summary(results: NestedSamplerResults, with_parametrised: bool = False, f_obj: Optional[Union[str, TextIO]] = None): """ Gives a summary of the results of a nested sampling run. Args: results (NestedSamplerResults): Nested sampler result with_parametrised: whether to include parametrised samples f_obj: file-like object to write summary to. If None, prints to stdout. """ main_s = [] def _print(s): print(s) main_s.append(s) def _round(v, uncert_v): v = float(v) uncert_v = float(uncert_v) try: sig_figs = -int("{:e}".format(uncert_v).split('e')[1]) + 1 return round(float(v), sig_figs) except: return float(v) def _print_termination_reason(_termination_reason: int): termination_bit_mask = _bit_mask(int(_termination_reason), width=8) for bit, condition in zip(termination_bit_mask, [ 'Reached max samples', 'Evidence uncertainty low enough', 'Small remaining evidence', 'Reached ESS', "Used max num likelihood evaluations", 'Likelihood contour reached', 'Sampler efficiency too low', 'All live-points are on a single plateau (potential numerical errors, consider 64-bit)' ]): if bit == 1: _print(condition) _print("--------") _print("Termination Conditions:") if np.size(results.termination_reason) > 1: # Reasons for each parallel sampler print(results.termination_reason) for sampler_idx in range(np.size(results.termination_reason)): _print(f"Sampler {sampler_idx}:") _print_termination_reason(int(results.termination_reason[sampler_idx])) else: _print_termination_reason(int(results.termination_reason)) _print("--------") _print(f"likelihood evals: {int(results.total_num_likelihood_evaluations):d}") _print(f"samples: {int(results.total_num_samples):d}") _print(f"phantom samples: {int(results.total_phantom_samples):d}") _print( f"likelihood evals / sample: {float(results.total_num_likelihood_evaluations / results.total_num_samples):.1f}" ) _print( f"phantom fraction (%): {100 * float(results.total_phantom_samples / results.total_num_samples):.1f}%" ) _print("--------") _print( f"logZ={_round(results.log_Z_mean, results.log_Z_uncert)} +- {_round(results.log_Z_uncert, results.log_Z_uncert)}" ) # _print("H={} +- {}".format( # _round(results.H_mean, results.H_uncert), _round(results.H_uncert, results.H_uncert))) _print( f"H={_round(results.H_mean, 0.1)}" ) _print( f"ESS={int(results.ESS):d}" ) samples = results.samples if with_parametrised: samples.update(results.parametrised_samples) max_like_idx = np.argmax(results.log_L_samples) max_like_points = tree_map(lambda x: x[max_like_idx], samples) uniform_samples = resample(random.PRNGKey(23426), samples, results.log_dp_mean, S=max(100, int(results.ESS)), replace=True) max_map_idx = np.argmax(results.log_posterior_density) map_points = tree_map(lambda x: x[max_map_idx], results.samples) for name in uniform_samples.keys(): _samples = uniform_samples[name].reshape((uniform_samples[name].shape[0], -1)) _max_like_points = max_like_points[name].reshape((-1,)) _map_points = map_points[name].reshape((-1,)) ndims = _samples.shape[1] _print("--------") var_name = name if ndims == 1 else "{}[#]".format(name) _print( f"{var_name}: mean +- | 10%ile / 50%ile / 90%ile | MAP est. | max(L) est." ) for dim in range(ndims): _uncert = np.std(_samples[:, dim]) _max_like_point = _max_like_points[dim] _map_point = _map_points[dim] # two sig-figs based on uncert sig_figs = -int("{:e}".format(_uncert).split('e')[1]) + 1 def _round(ar): return round(float(ar), sig_figs) _uncert = _round(_uncert) _print("{}: {} +- {} | {} / {} / {} | {} | {}".format( name if ndims == 1 else "{}[{}]".format(name, dim), _round(np.mean(_samples[:, dim])), _uncert, *[_round(a) for a in np.percentile(_samples[:, dim], np.asarray([10, 50, 90]))], _round(_map_point), _round(_max_like_point) )) _print("--------") if f_obj is not None: out = "\n".join(main_s) if isinstance(f_obj, str): with open(f_obj, 'w') as f: f.write(out) elif isinstance(f_obj, io.TextIOBase): f_obj.write(out) else: raise TypeError(f"Invalid f_obj: {type(f_obj)}")
[docs] def sample_evidence(key: PRNGKey, num_live_points_per_sample: IntArray, log_L_samples: FloatArray, S: int = 100) -> FloatArray: """ Sample the evidence distribution, but stochastically simulating the shrinkage distribution. Note: this produces approximate samples, since there is also an uncertainty in the placement of the contours during shrinkage. Incorporating this stochasticity into the simulation would require running an entire nested sampling many times. Args: key: PRNGKey num_live_points_per_sample: the number of live points for each sample log_L_samples: the log-L of samples S: The number of samples to produce Returns: samples of log(Z) """ def accumulate_op(accumulate, y): # T ~ Beta(n[i],1) <==> T ~ Kumaraswamy(n[i],1) (key, num_live_points, log_L) = y (log_Z, log_X) = accumulate log_T = jnp.log(random.uniform(key, num_live_points.shape, dtype=log_L.dtype)) / num_live_points # log_T = jnp.where(num_live_points == 0., -jnp.inf, log_T) # log_T = jnp.log(random.beta(key, num_live_points, 1.)) T = LogSpace(log_T) X = LogSpace(log_X) Z = LogSpace(log_Z) L = LogSpace(log_L) next_X = X * T dZ = (X - next_X) * L next_Z = Z + dZ return (next_Z.log_abs_val, next_X.log_abs_val) def single_log_Z_sample(key: PRNGKey) -> FloatArray: init = (jnp.asarray(-jnp.inf, log_L_samples.dtype), jnp.asarray(0., log_L_samples.dtype)) xs = (random.split(key, num_live_points_per_sample.shape[0]), num_live_points_per_sample, log_L_samples) final_accumulate, _ = cumulative_op_static(accumulate_op, init=init, xs=xs) (log_Z, _) = final_accumulate return log_Z log_Z_samples = vmap(single_log_Z_sample)(random.split(key, S)) return log_Z_samples
[docs] def bruteforce_posterior_samples(model: BaseAbstractModel, S: int = 60) -> Tuple[XType, jnp.ndarray]: """ Compute the posterior with brute-force over a regular grid. Args: model: model S: resolution of grid Returns: samples, and log-weight """ u_vec = jnp.linspace(jnp.finfo(float_type).eps, 1. - jnp.finfo(float_type).eps, S) du = u_vec[1] - u_vec[0] args = jnp.stack([x.flatten() for x in jnp.meshgrid(*[u_vec] * model.U_ndims, indexing='ij')], axis=-1) samples = jit(vmap(model.transform))(args) log_L = jit(vmap(model.forward))(args) dZ = LogSpace(log_L) * LogSpace(jnp.log(du)) ** model.U_ndims return samples, dZ.log_abs_val
[docs] def bruteforce_evidence(model: BaseAbstractModel, S: int = 60): """ Compute the evidence with brute-force over a regular grid. Args: model: model S: resolution of grid Returns: log(Z) """ u_vec = jnp.linspace(jnp.finfo(float_type).eps, 1. - jnp.finfo(float_type).eps, S) du = u_vec[1] - u_vec[0] args = jnp.stack([x.flatten() for x in jnp.meshgrid(*[u_vec] * model.U_ndims, indexing='ij')], axis=-1) Z_true = (LogSpace(jit(vmap(model.forward))(args)).nansum() * LogSpace( jnp.log(du)) ** model.U_ndims) return Z_true.log_abs_val
[docs] def analytic_posterior_samples(model: BaseAbstractModel, S: int = 60): """ Compute the evidence with brute-force over a regular grid. Args: model: model S: resolution of grid Returns: log(Z) """ logger.warning(f"") u_vec = jnp.linspace(jnp.finfo(float_type).eps, 1. - jnp.finfo(float_type).eps, S) du = u_vec[1] - u_vec[0] args = jnp.stack([x.flatten() for x in jnp.meshgrid(*[u_vec] * model.U_ndims, indexing='ij')], axis=-1) samples = jit(vmap(model.transform))(args) log_L = jit(vmap(model.forward))(args) dZ = LogSpace(log_L) * LogSpace(jnp.log(du)) ** model.U_ndims return samples, dZ.log_abs_val
[docs] def save_pytree(pytree: NamedTuple, save_file: str): """ Saves results of nested sampler in a npz file. Args: pytree: Nested sampler result save_file: filename """ pytree_np = tree_map(lambda v: np.asarray(v) if v is not None else None, pytree) def _pytree_asdict(pytree): _data_dict = pytree._asdict() data_dict = {} for k, v in _data_dict.items(): if isinstance_namedtuple(v): data_dict[k] = _pytree_asdict(v) elif isinstance(v, (dict, np.ndarray, None.__class__)): data_dict[k] = v else: raise ValueError("key, value pair {}, {} unknown".format(k, v)) return data_dict data_dict = _pytree_asdict(pytree_np) np.savez(save_file, **data_dict)
[docs] def save_results(results: NestedSamplerResults, save_file: str): """ Saves results of nested sampler in a npz file. Args: results (NestedSamplerResults): Nested sampler result save_file (str): filename """ save_pytree(results, save_file)
[docs] def load_pytree(save_file: str): """ Loads saved nested sampler results from a npz file. Args: save_file (str): filename Returns: NestedSamplerResults """ _data_dict = np.load(save_file, allow_pickle=True) data_dict = {} for k, v in _data_dict.items(): if v.size == 1: if v.item() is None: data_dict[k] = None else: data_dict[k] = tree_map(lambda v: jnp.asarray(v), v.item()) else: data_dict[k] = jnp.asarray(v) return data_dict
[docs] def load_results(save_file: str) -> NestedSamplerResults: """ Loads saved nested sampler results from a npz file. Args: save_file (str): filename Returns: NestedSamplerResults """ data_dict = load_pytree(save_file) return NestedSamplerResults(**data_dict)