Source code for jaxns.samplers.uniform_samplers

from typing import NamedTuple, Tuple

from jax import random, numpy as jnp, lax, tree_map

from jaxns.framework.bases import BaseAbstractModel
from jaxns.internals.types import IntArray, StaticStandardNestedSamplerState, UType, MeasureType, \
from jaxns.internals.types import PRNGKey, FloatArray
from jaxns.internals.types import Sample, int_type
from import SamplerState
from jaxns.samplers.bases import BaseAbstractRejectionSampler

__all__ = [

[docs] class UniformSampler(BaseAbstractRejectionSampler): """ A sampler that produces uniform samples from the model within the log_L_constraint. """ def __init__(self, model: BaseAbstractModel, max_likelihood_evals: int = 100): """ Initialises the sampler. Args: model: the model to sample from max_likelihood_evals: the maximum number of likelihood evaluations to perform, before stopping. This is important for not getting stuck on plateaus, or forbidden zones. """ super().__init__(model=model) if max_likelihood_evals < 1: raise ValueError("max_likelihood_evals must be >= 1") self.max_likelihood_evals = int(max_likelihood_evals)
[docs] def num_phantom(self) -> int: return 0
[docs] def pre_process(self, state: StaticStandardNestedSamplerState) -> SamplerState: return ()
[docs] def post_process(self, sample_collection: StaticStandardSampleCollection, sampler_state: SamplerState) -> SamplerState: return sampler_state
[docs] def get_sample(self, key: PRNGKey, log_L_constraint: FloatArray, sampler_state: SamplerState) -> Tuple[ Sample, Sample]: class CarryState(NamedTuple): key: PRNGKey U: UType log_L: MeasureType num_likelihood_evals: IntArray def cond(carry_state: CarryState): done_1 = carry_state.log_L > log_L_constraint done_2 = jnp.bitwise_or( carry_state.log_L == log_L_constraint, carry_state.num_likelihood_evals >= self.max_likelihood_evals ) done = jnp.bitwise_or(done_1, done_2) return jnp.bitwise_not(done) def body(carry_state: CarryState) -> CarryState: key, sample_key = random.split(carry_state.key, 2) U = self.model.sample_U(key=sample_key) log_L = self.model.forward(U=U) num_likelihood_evals = carry_state.num_likelihood_evals + jnp.ones_like(carry_state.num_likelihood_evals) return CarryState(key=key, U=U, log_L=log_L, num_likelihood_evals=num_likelihood_evals) key, sample_key = random.split(key, 2) init_U = self.model.sample_U(key=sample_key) init_log_L = self.model.forward(init_U) init_carry_state = CarryState( key=key, U=init_U, log_L=init_log_L, num_likelihood_evals=jnp.asarray(1, int_type) ) carry_state = lax.while_loop(cond_fun=cond, body_fun=body, init_val=init_carry_state) sample = Sample( U_sample=carry_state.U, log_L_constraint=log_L_constraint, log_L=carry_state.log_L, num_likelihood_evaluations=carry_state.num_likelihood_evals ) phantom_samples = tree_map(lambda x: jnp.zeros((0,) + x.shape, x.dtype), sample) return sample, phantom_samples