Source code for jaxns.internals.types

from typing import NamedTuple, Optional, Union, Any, Callable, Tuple, Dict, List, TypeVar

import chex
import numpy as np
from jax import numpy as jnp

__all__ = [

[docs] float_type = jnp.result_type(float)
[docs] int_type = jnp.result_type(int)
[docs] complex_type = jnp.result_type(complex)
[docs] PRNGKey = chex.PRNGKey
[docs] FloatArray = chex.Array
[docs] IntArray = chex.Array
[docs] BoolArray = chex.Array
[docs] LikelihoodType = Callable[..., FloatArray]
[docs] RandomVariableType = TypeVar('RandomVariableType')
[docs] MeasureType = TypeVar('MeasureType')
[docs] LikelihoodInputType = Tuple[RandomVariableType, ...] # Likelihood conditional variables
[docs] UType = FloatArray # Sample space type
[docs] XType = Dict[str, RandomVariableType] # Prior variable type
[docs] class EvidenceCalculation(NamedTuple): """ Contains a running estimate of evidence and related quantities. """
[docs] log_L: FloatArray
[docs] log_X_mean: FloatArray
[docs] log_X2_mean: FloatArray
[docs] log_Z_mean: FloatArray
[docs] log_ZX_mean: FloatArray
[docs] log_Z2_mean: FloatArray
[docs] log_dZ_mean: FloatArray
[docs] log_dZ2_mean: FloatArray
[docs] class TerminationCondition(NamedTuple): """ Contains the termination conditions for the nested sampling run. Args: ess: The effective sample size, if the ESS (Kish's estimate) is greater than this the run will terminate. evidence_uncert: The uncertainty in the evidence, if the uncertainty is less than this the run will terminate. live_evidence_frac: Depreceated use dlogZ. dlogZ: Terminate if log(Z_current + Z_remaining) - log(Z_current) < dlogZ. Default log(1 + 1e-2) max_samples: Terminate if the number of samples exceeds this. max_num_likelihood_evaluations: Terminate if the number of likelihood evaluations exceeds this. log_L_contour: Terminate if this log(L) contour is reached. A contour is reached if any dead point has log(L) > log_L_contour. Uncollected live points are not considered. efficiency_threshold: Terminate if the efficiency (num_samples / num_likelihood_evaluations) is less than this, for the last shrinkage iteration. """
[docs] ess: Optional[FloatArray] = jnp.asarray(jnp.inf, float_type)
[docs] evidence_uncert: Optional[FloatArray] = jnp.asarray(0., float_type)
[docs] live_evidence_frac: Optional[FloatArray] = None # Depreceated use dlogZ
[docs] dlogZ: Optional[FloatArray] = jnp.asarray(np.log(1. + 1e-3), float_type) #
[docs] max_samples: Optional[IntArray] = jnp.asarray(jnp.iinfo(int_type).max, int_type)
[docs] max_num_likelihood_evaluations: Optional[IntArray] = jnp.asarray(jnp.iinfo(int_type).max, int_type)
[docs] log_L_contour: Optional[FloatArray] = jnp.asarray(jnp.inf, float_type)
[docs] efficiency_threshold: Optional[FloatArray] = jnp.asarray(0., float_type)
[docs] def __and__(self, other): return TerminationConditionConjunction(conds=[self, other])
[docs] def __or__(self, other): return TerminationConditionDisjunction(conds=[self, other])
class TerminationConditionConjunction(NamedTuple): """ A conjunction of termination conditions, e.g. term_cond1 & term_cond2 """ conds: List[Union['TerminationConditionDisjunction', 'TerminationConditionConjunction', TerminationCondition]] class TerminationConditionDisjunction(NamedTuple): """ A disjunction of termination conditions, e.g. term_cond1 | term_cond2 """ conds: List[Union['TerminationConditionDisjunction', TerminationConditionConjunction, TerminationCondition]]
[docs] class NestedSamplerResults(NamedTuple): """ Results of the nested sampling run. """
[docs] log_Z_mean: FloatArray # estimate of E[log(Z)]
[docs] log_Z_uncert: FloatArray # estimate of StdDev[log(Z)]
[docs] ESS: FloatArray # estimate of Kish's effective sample size
[docs] H_mean: FloatArray # estimate of E[int log(L) L dp/Z]
[docs] samples: XType # Dict of arrays with leading dimension num_samples
[docs] parametrised_samples: XType # Dict of arrays with leading dimension num_samples
[docs] U_samples: UType # Dict of arrays with leading dimension num_samples
[docs] log_L_samples: FloatArray # log(L) of each sample
[docs] log_dp_mean: FloatArray # log(E[dZ]) of each sample, where dZ is how much it contributes to the total evidence.
[docs] log_X_mean: FloatArray # log(E[U]) of each sample
[docs] log_posterior_density: FloatArray # log(P( theta | D )) log posteriori density
[docs] num_live_points_per_sample: IntArray # how many live points were taken for the samples.
[docs] num_likelihood_evaluations_per_sample: IntArray # how many likelihood evaluations were made per sample.
[docs] total_num_samples: IntArray # int, the total number of samples collected.
[docs] total_phantom_samples: IntArray # int, the total number of phantom samples collected.
[docs] total_num_likelihood_evaluations: IntArray # how many likelihood evaluations were made in total
[docs] log_efficiency: FloatArray # log(total_num_samples / total_num_likelihood_evaluations)
[docs] termination_reason: IntArray # this will be an int reflecting the reason for termination
class SignedLog(NamedTuple): """ Represents a signed value in log-space """ log_abs_val: jnp.ndarray sign: Union[jnp.ndarray, Any] class Sample(NamedTuple): U_sample: UType # [..., D] sample in U-space log_L_constraint: FloatArray # [...,] log(L) constraint log_L: FloatArray # [...,] log(L) of sample num_likelihood_evaluations: IntArray # [...,] number of likelihood evaluations class StaticStandardSampleCollection(NamedTuple): sender_node_idx: IntArray # [N] with values in [0, N] log_L: MeasureType # [N] log(L) of each sample U_samples: UType # [N, D] samples in U-space num_likelihood_evaluations: IntArray # [N] number of likelihood evaluations for each sample phantom: BoolArray # [N] whether the sample is a phantom sample class TerminationRegister(NamedTuple): num_samples_used: IntArray evidence_calc: EvidenceCalculation evidence_calc_with_remaining: EvidenceCalculation num_likelihood_evaluations: IntArray log_L_contour: FloatArray efficiency: FloatArray plateau: BoolArray
[docs] class StaticStandardNestedSamplerState(NamedTuple):
[docs] key: PRNGKey
[docs] next_sample_idx: IntArray # the next sample insert index <==> the number of samples
[docs] sample_collection: StaticStandardSampleCollection
[docs] front_idx: IntArray # the index of the front of the live points within sample collection
def isinstance_namedtuple(obj) -> bool: """ Check if object is a namedtuple. Args: obj: object Returns: bool """ return ( isinstance(obj, tuple) and hasattr(obj, '_asdict') and hasattr(obj, '_fields') )