Source code for jaxns.internals.tree_structure

from typing import NamedTuple, List, Tuple, Union, Optional

from jax import numpy as jnp, lax, tree_map, core
from jax._src.numpy import lax_numpy

from jaxns.internals.maps import remove_chunk_dim
from jaxns.internals.cumulative_ops import cumulative_op_static, cumulative_op_dynamic
from jaxns.internals.types import MeasureType, IntArray, float_type, FloatArray, StaticStandardNestedSamplerState, \

[docs] class SampleTreeGraph(NamedTuple): """ Represents tree structure of samples. There are N+1 nodes, and N edges. Each node has exactly 1 sender (except the root node). Each node has zero or more receivers. The root is always node 0. """
[docs] sender_node_idx: IntArray # [N] with values in [0, N]
[docs] log_L: MeasureType # [N]
[docs] class SampleLivePointCounts(NamedTuple):
[docs] samples_indices: IntArray # [N] with values in [0, N], points to the sample that the live point represents.
[docs] num_live_points: IntArray # [N] with values in [0, N], number of live points that the sample represents.
[docs] def count_crossed_edges(sample_tree: SampleTreeGraph, num_samples: Optional[IntArray] = None) -> SampleLivePointCounts: def _argsort( a: jnp.ndarray ): arr = jnp.asarray(a) axis_num = 0 use_64bit_index = not core.is_constant_dim(arr.shape[axis_num]) or arr.shape[axis_num] >= (1 << 31) iota = lax.broadcasted_iota(lax_numpy.int64 if use_64bit_index else lax_numpy.int_, arr.shape, axis_num) _, perm = lax.sort_key_val(arr, iota, dimension=axis_num) return perm N = sample_tree.sender_node_idx.size fake_edges = 0 if num_samples is not None: # We put edges from root to +inf for the indices that are not used. # Since all lines will cross these injected edges, we subtract them from the total. # Note: these values are set by default, so we don't need to do anything. # Leave this here as a reminder of what's going on. # mask = jnp.arange(N) < num_samples # sample_tree = SampleTreeGraph( # sender_node_idx=jnp.where(mask, sample_tree.sender_node_idx, 0), # log_L=jnp.where(mask, sample_tree.log_L, jnp.inf) # ) fake_edges = N - num_samples # Construct N edges from N+1 nodes log_L_nodes = jnp.concatenate([jnp.asarray([-jnp.inf], float_type), sample_tree.log_L]) # [N+1] sender = sample_tree.sender_node_idx # [N] sort_idx = _argsort(log_L_nodes) # [N+1] # Count out-degree of each node, how many nodes have parent_idx==idx. # At least one node will have zero, but we don't know which. # Could just use sender (unsorted) out_degree = jnp.bincount(sender, length=N + 1) # [N+1] def op(crossed_edges, last_node): # init = 1 # delta = degree(nodes[last_node]) - 1 crossed_edges += out_degree[last_node] - 1 return crossed_edges if num_samples is not None: _, crossed_edges_sorted = cumulative_op_dynamic( op=op, init=jnp.asarray(1, out_degree.dtype), xs=sort_idx, stop_idx=num_samples, pre_op=False, empty_fill=jnp.asarray(fake_edges, out_degree.dtype) ) else: _, crossed_edges_sorted = cumulative_op_static( op=op, init=jnp.asarray(1, out_degree.dtype), xs=sort_idx, pre_op=False ) if num_samples is not None: crossed_edges_sorted -= fake_edges # Since the root node is always 0, we need to slice and subtract 1 to get the sample index. samples_indices = sort_idx[1:] - 1 # [N] # The last node is the accumulation, which is always 0, so we drop it. num_live_points = crossed_edges_sorted[:-1] # [N] return SampleLivePointCounts( samples_indices=samples_indices, num_live_points=num_live_points )
[docs] def count_crossed_edges_less_fast(S: SampleTreeGraph) -> SampleLivePointCounts: log_L = jnp.concatenate([-jnp.inf * jnp.ones(1), S.log_L]) # [N+1] # Construct N edges from N+1 nodes N = S.sender_node_idx.size sender = S.sender_node_idx # [N] sort_idx = jnp.argsort(log_L) # [N+1] # Count out-degree of each node, how many nodes have parent_idx==idx. # At least one node will have zero, but we don't know which. # Could just use sender (unsorted) out_degree = jnp.bincount(sender, length=N + 1) # [N+1] crossed_edges_sorted = 1 + jnp.cumsum(out_degree[sort_idx] - 1) # Since the root node is always 0, we need to slice and subtract 1 to get the sample index. samples_indices = sort_idx[1:] - 1 # [N] # The last node is the accumulation, which is always 0, so we drop it. num_live_points = crossed_edges_sorted[:-1] # [N] return SampleLivePointCounts( samples_indices=samples_indices, num_live_points=num_live_points )
[docs] def count_intervals_naive(S: SampleTreeGraph) -> SampleLivePointCounts: # We use the simple method, of counting the number that satisfy the selection condition log_L = jnp.concatenate([-jnp.inf * jnp.ones(1), S.log_L]) # [N+1] log_L_constraints = log_L[S.sender_node_idx] # [N] sort_idx = jnp.argsort(log_L[1:]) # [N] N = S.sender_node_idx.size available = jnp.ones(N, dtype=jnp.bool_) contour = log_L[0] # Root is always 0 index num_live_points = jnp.zeros(N, dtype=jnp.int32) for i in range(N): mask = (log_L_constraints[sort_idx] <= contour) & (log_L[1:][sort_idx] > contour) & available[sort_idx] # [N] num_live_points =[i].set(jnp.sum(mask)) contour = log_L[sort_idx[i] + 1] available =[sort_idx[i]].set(False) return SampleLivePointCounts( samples_indices=sort_idx, num_live_points=num_live_points )
[docs] def fast_perfect_live_point_computation_jax(log_L_constraints: jnp.ndarray, log_L_samples: jnp.ndarray, num_samples: Union[jnp.ndarray, None] = None): # log_L_constraints has shape [N] # log_L_samples has shape [N] sort_idx = jnp.lexsort((log_L_constraints, log_L_samples)) log_L_samples = log_L_samples[sort_idx] log_L_constraints = log_L_constraints[sort_idx] log_L_contour = log_L_constraints[0] search_contours = jnp.concatenate([log_L_contour[None], log_L_samples], axis=0) contour_map_idx = jnp.searchsorted(search_contours, log_L_samples, side='left') - 1 log_L_contours = search_contours[contour_map_idx] diag_i = jnp.arange(log_L_samples.size) right_most_idx = jnp.searchsorted(jnp.sort(log_L_constraints), log_L_contours, side='right') - 1 left_most_idx = jnp.maximum(diag_i, jnp.searchsorted(log_L_samples, log_L_contours, side='right') - 1) num_live_points = jnp.maximum(0, right_most_idx - left_most_idx + 1) if num_samples is not None: empty_mask = jnp.greater_equal(jnp.arange(log_L_samples.size), num_samples) num_live_points = jnp.where(empty_mask, jnp.asarray(0., log_L_samples.dtype), num_live_points) return num_live_points, sort_idx
[docs] def compute_num_live_points_from_unit_threads(log_L_constraints: FloatArray, log_L_samples: FloatArray, num_samples: IntArray = None, sorted_collection: bool = True) \ -> Union[FloatArray, Tuple[FloatArray, IntArray]]: """ Compute the number of live points of shrinkage distribution, from an arbitrary list of samples with corresponding sampling constraints. Args: log_L_constraints: [N] likelihood constraint that sample was uniformly sampled within log_L_samples: [N] likelihood of the sample sorted_collection: bool, whether the sample collection was already sorted. Returns: if sorted_collection is true: num_live_points for shrinkage distribution otherwise: num_live_points for shrinkage distribution, and sort indicies """ num_live_points, sort_idx = fast_perfect_live_point_computation_jax(log_L_constraints=log_L_constraints, log_L_samples=log_L_samples, num_samples=num_samples) if not sorted_collection: return num_live_points, sort_idx return num_live_points
[docs] def count_old(S: SampleTreeGraph) -> SampleLivePointCounts: log_L = jnp.concatenate([-jnp.inf * jnp.ones(1), S.log_L]) # [N+1] # 3x slower than new method log_L_constraints = log_L[S.sender_node_idx] # [N] log_L_samples = S.log_L num_live_points, sort_idx = compute_num_live_points_from_unit_threads( log_L_constraints=log_L_constraints, log_L_samples=log_L_samples, num_samples=None, sorted_collection=False ) return SampleLivePointCounts( samples_indices=sort_idx, num_live_points=num_live_points )
[docs] def plot_tree(S: SampleTreeGraph): r""" Plots the tree where x-position is log_L and y-position is a unique integer for each branch such that no edges cross. The y-position should be the same as it's sender's y-position, unless that would make an edge cross, in which case, an addition should be made so that no edges cross. e.g. For the tree: S = SampleTree( sender_node_idx=jnp.asarray([0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3]), log_L=jnp.asarray([-jnp.inf, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) ) The root node connects to nodes 1, 2, 3, and then it's straight lines from 1, 2, 3 to 4, 5, 6. The ASCII plot is: 0 -- 1 -- 4 \-- 2 -- 5 \- 3 -- 6 If we add a branch from 2 to 7 then we get: 0 --- 1 -- 4 \--- 2 -- 5 \ \ -- 7 \-- 3 -- 6 See how 2-7 edge doesn't cross any other edges. Note the in-degree of each node is 1, except the root node which has in-degree 0. The out-degree can be anything. Args: S: SampleTree """ import networkx as nx import pylab as plt # Initialize graph G = nx.DiGraph() # Add edges and nodes to the graph for idx, sender in enumerate(S.sender_node_idx): node = idx + 1 sender = int(sender) G.add_node(node, x=float(S.log_L[node]), sender=sender) G.add_edge(sender, node) G.nodes[0]['x'] = float(jnp.min(S.log_L) - 1.) G.nodes[0]['y'] = 0 G.nodes[0]['sender'] = -1 out_degree = jnp.bincount(S.sender_node_idx, length=S.log_L.size) # [N+1] # Dictionary to store the positions of each node visited = [] branch = 0 for node in nx.traversal.dfs_tree(G, 0): if node == 0: continue # print(G.nodes[node]['sender'], node, visited.count(G.nodes[node]['sender'])) G.nodes[node]['y'] = G.nodes[G.nodes[node]['sender']]['y'] # + visited.count(G.nodes[node]['sender']) # if out_degree[G.nodes[node]['sender']] > 1: if visited.count(G.nodes[node]['sender']) > 0: branch += visited.count(G.nodes[node]['sender']) G.nodes[node]['y'] = branch visited.append(G.nodes[node]['sender']) pos = dict((node, (G.nodes[node]['x'], G.nodes[node]['y'])) for node in G.nodes) # Draw the graph nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels=True, node_size=700, node_color='lightblue', linewidths=0.5, font_size=10, arrows=True) # Display the plot
[docs] def concatenate_sample_trees(trees: List[SampleTreeGraph], num_samples: Optional[List[IntArray]] = None) -> SampleTreeGraph: """ Concatenates a list of SampleTreeGraphs into a single SampleTreeGraph. The root nodes of each tree must be the same, as this is equivalent of adding each tree as a branch from the same root node, 0 in each tree. Args: trees: list of SampleTreeGraph's Returns: a single tree """ # To do this all sender_node_idx must point to proper new nodes: # Example: # 0 -- 1 -- 2 # 0 -- 1 -- 2 # Becomes: # 0 -- 1 -- 2 # \-- 3 -- 4 if num_samples is None: num_samples = [t.sender_node_idx.size for t in trees] if len(num_samples) != len(trees): raise ValueError("num_samples must be same length as trees.") offset = 0 shifted_trees = [] for s, t in zip(num_samples, trees): shifted_trees.append( SampleTreeGraph( sender_node_idx=jnp.where(t.sender_node_idx.astype(jnp.bool_), t.sender_node_idx + offset, t.sender_node_idx), log_L=t.log_L ) ) offset += s output = SampleTreeGraph( sender_node_idx=jnp.concatenate([t.sender_node_idx for t in shifted_trees]), log_L=jnp.concatenate([t.log_L for t in shifted_trees]) ) return output
[docs] def unbatch_state(batched_state: StaticStandardNestedSamplerState) -> StaticStandardNestedSamplerState: """ Remove the batch dimension from the state. The returned samples will be sorted by log_L, so assumes, log_L[i]==+inf ==> i is not a sample Args: batched_state: the state with batch dimension Returns: the state without batch dimension """ if len(batched_state.sample_collection.log_L.shape) == 1: # Already unbatched return batched_state if batched_state.sample_collection.log_L.shape[0] == 1: # Remove batch dimension is all that's needed return remove_chunk_dim(batched_state) key = batched_state.key[0] # Take first key next_sample_idx = jnp.sum(batched_state.next_sample_idx) # Next insert will be sum # Shifts are the cumulative sum of the number of samples per batch dimension shifts = [0] for i in range(len(batched_state.next_sample_idx) - 1): shifts.append(shifts[-1] + batched_state.sample_collection.log_L.shape[1]) shifts = jnp.asarray(shifts, int_type) # shifts = jnp.concatenate([jnp.asarray([0], int_type), jnp.cumsum(batched_state.next_sample_idx[:-1])]) sender_node_idx = jnp.where( batched_state.sample_collection.sender_node_idx.astype(jnp.bool_), batched_state.sample_collection.sender_node_idx + shifts[:, None], batched_state.sample_collection.sender_node_idx ) # Front indices are shifted like senders front_idx = remove_chunk_dim( batched_state.front_idx + shifts[:, None] ) unbatched_state = StaticStandardNestedSamplerState( key=key, next_sample_idx=next_sample_idx, sample_collection=remove_chunk_dim( batched_state.sample_collection._replace(sender_node_idx=sender_node_idx) ), front_idx=front_idx ) # Some non-samples will interleave samples, so we sort by log_L, carefully adjusting sender_node_idx to match. sort_idx = jnp.argsort(unbatched_state.sample_collection.log_L) inverse_idx = jnp.argsort(sort_idx) # Shift the front_idx and sender idx front_idx = inverse_idx[unbatched_state.front_idx] sender_node_idx = jnp.where( unbatched_state.sample_collection.sender_node_idx.astype(jnp.bool_), inverse_idx[unbatched_state.sample_collection.sender_node_idx - 1] + 1, jnp.zeros_like(unbatched_state.sample_collection.sender_node_idx) ) unbatched_state = unbatched_state._replace( sample_collection=unbatched_state.sample_collection._replace(sender_node_idx=sender_node_idx) ) # Rearrange the samples unbatched_state = unbatched_state._replace( sample_collection=tree_map(lambda x: x[sort_idx], unbatched_state.sample_collection), front_idx=front_idx ) return unbatched_state