Source code for jaxns.internals.cumulative_ops

from typing import TypeVar, Callable, Tuple, Optional

from jax import lax, numpy as jnp, tree_map, tree_util

from jaxns.internals.types import IntArray, int_type

[docs] V = TypeVar('V')
[docs] Y = TypeVar('Y')
[docs] def cumulative_op_static(op: Callable[[V, Y], V], init: V, xs: Y, pre_op: bool = False, unroll: int = 1) -> Tuple[ V, V]: """ Compute a cumulative operation on a list of values. Args: op: the operation to perform init: the initial value xs: the list of values pre_op: if True, the operation is applied before the accumulation, so the first value is the initial value. unroll: how many iterations to unroll the loop at a time Returns: the final accumulated value, and the result of the cumulative operation applied on input """ def body(accumulate: V, y: Y): next_accumulate = op(accumulate, y) if pre_op: return next_accumulate, accumulate return next_accumulate, next_accumulate final_accumulate, result = lax.scan( f=body, init=init, xs=xs, unroll=unroll ) return final_accumulate, result
[docs] def cumulative_op_dynamic(op: Callable[[V, Y], V], init: V, xs: Y, stop_idx: IntArray, pre_op: bool = False, empty_fill: Optional[V] = None) -> Tuple[ V, V]: """ Compute a cumulative operation on a list of values with a dynamic stop index. Args: op: the operation to perform init: the initial value xs: the list of values stop_idx: how many accumulations to perform pre_op: if True, the operation is applied before the accumulation, so the first value is the initial value. empty_fill: the value to fill the output with if the stop_idx is provided, else uses `init` Returns: the final accumulated value, and the result of the cumulative operation applied on input """ def cond(carry: Tuple[V, IntArray, V]): (accumulate, i, output) = carry return jnp.less(i, stop_idx) def body(carry: Tuple[V, IntArray, V]): (accumulate, i, output) = carry y = tree_map(lambda x: x[i], xs) next_accumulate = op(accumulate, y) next_i = i + jnp.ones_like(i) if pre_op: next_output = tree_map(lambda a, b:[i].set(b), output, accumulate) return (next_accumulate, next_i, next_output) next_output = tree_map(lambda a, b:[i].set(b), output, next_accumulate) return (next_accumulate, next_i, next_output) length = tree_util.tree_flatten(xs)[0][0].shape[0] output = tree_map( lambda x: jnp.tile(x[None], [length] + [1] * len(x.shape)), empty_fill if empty_fill is not None else init ) w_init = (init, jnp.asarray(0, int_type), output) (final_accumulate, _, final_output) = lax.while_loop( cond_fun=cond, body_fun=body, init_val=w_init ) return final_accumulate, final_output