Source code for jaxns.framework.ops

from typing import Tuple

import jax
from jax import numpy as jnp

from jaxns.framework.bases import PriorModelType, BaseAbstractPrior
from jaxns.framework.prior import InvalidPriorName, SingularPrior
from jaxns.internals.types import UType, XType, float_type, LikelihoodInputType, FloatArray, LikelihoodType, PRNGKey, \

__all__ = [

def compute_U_ndims(prior_model: PriorModelType) -> int:
    Computes placeholders of model.

        prior_model: a callable that produces a prior model generator

        number of U dims
    U_ndims = 0
    gen = prior_model()
    prior_response = None
    names = set()
    while True:
            prior: BaseAbstractPrior = gen.send(prior_response)
            d = prior.base_ndims
            U_ndims += d
            u = jnp.zeros(prior.base_shape, float_type)
            prior_response = prior.forward(u)
            if is not None:
                if in names:
                    raise InvalidPriorName(
        except StopIteration:
    return U_ndims

[docs] def simulate_prior_model(key: PRNGKey, prior_model: PriorModelType) -> Tuple[LikelihoodInputType, XType]: """ Simulate a prior model. Args: key: PRNGKey prior_model: A prior model Returns: a tuple of the likelihood input variables, and dict of non-hidden (named) prior variables. """ U_ndims = compute_U_ndims(prior_model=prior_model) U = jax.random.uniform(key, shape=(U_ndims,), dtype=float_type) return prepare_input(U=U, prior_model=prior_model), transform(U=U, prior_model=prior_model)
def parse_prior(prior_model: PriorModelType) -> Tuple[UType, XType]: """ Computes placeholders of model. Args: prior_model: a callable that produces a prior model generator Returns: U placeholder, X placeholder """ U_ndims = 0 gen = prior_model() prior_response = None names = set() X_placeholder: XType = dict() while True: try: prior: BaseAbstractPrior = gen.send(prior_response) d = prior.base_ndims U_ndims += d u = jnp.zeros(prior.base_shape, float_type) prior_response = prior.forward(u) if is not None: if in names: raise InvalidPriorName( names.add( if not isinstance(prior, SingularPrior): X_placeholder[] = prior_response except StopIteration: break U_placeholder = jnp.zeros((U_ndims,), float_type) return U_placeholder, X_placeholder def parse_joint(prior_model: PriorModelType, log_likelihood: LikelihoodType) -> Tuple[ UType, XType, LikelihoodInputType, FloatArray]: """ Computes placeholders of model. Args: prior_model: a callable that produces a prior model generator Returns: U placeholder, X placeholder """ U_ndims = 0 gen = prior_model() prior_response = None names = set() X_placeholder: XType = dict() while True: try: prior: BaseAbstractPrior = gen.send(prior_response) d = prior.base_ndims U_ndims += d u = jnp.zeros(prior.base_shape, float_type) prior_response = prior.forward(u) if is not None: if in names: raise InvalidPriorName( names.add( if not isinstance(prior, SingularPrior): X_placeholder[] = prior_response except StopIteration as e: output = e.value if (not isinstance(output, tuple)) or isinstance_namedtuple(output): output = (output,) break likelihood_input_placeholder = output log_L_placeholder = jnp.asarray(log_likelihood(*output), float_type) U_placeholder = jnp.zeros((U_ndims,), float_type) return U_placeholder, X_placeholder, likelihood_input_placeholder, log_L_placeholder def transform(U: UType, prior_model: PriorModelType) -> XType: """ Transforms a flat array of `U_ndims` i.i.d. samples of U[0,1] into the target prior. Args: U: [U_ndims] a flat array of i.i.d. samples of U[0,1] prior_model: a callable that produces a prior model generator Returns: the prior variables """ gen = prior_model() prior_response = None names = set() X_collection = dict() idx = 0 while True: try: prior: BaseAbstractPrior = gen.send(prior_response) d = prior.base_ndims u = jnp.reshape(U[idx:idx + d], prior.base_shape) idx += d prior_response = prior.forward(u) if is not None: if in names: raise InvalidPriorName( names.add( if not isinstance(prior, SingularPrior): X_collection[] = prior_response except StopIteration: break return X_collection def transform_parametrised(U: UType, prior_model: PriorModelType) -> XType: """ Transforms a flat array of `U_ndims` i.i.d. samples of U[0,1] into the the parametrised prior variables. Args: U: [U_ndims] a flat array of i.i.d. samples of U[0,1] prior_model: a callable that produces a prior model generator Returns: the parametrised prior variables """ gen = prior_model() prior_response = None names = set() Y_collection = dict() idx = 0 while True: try: prior: BaseAbstractPrior = gen.send(prior_response) d = prior.base_ndims u = jnp.reshape(U[idx:idx + d], prior.base_shape) idx += d prior_response = prior.forward(u) if is not None: if in names: raise InvalidPriorName( names.add( if isinstance(prior, SingularPrior): Y_collection[] = prior_response except StopIteration: break return Y_collection def prepare_input(U: UType, prior_model: PriorModelType) -> LikelihoodInputType: """ Transforms a flat array of `U_ndims` i.i.d. samples of U[0,1] into the likelihood conditional variables. Args: U: [U_ndims] a flat array of i.i.d. samples of U[0,1] prior_model: a callable that produces a prior model generator Returns: the conditional variables of likelihood model """ gen = prior_model() prior_response = None idx = 0 while True: try: prior: BaseAbstractPrior = gen.send(prior_response) d = prior.base_ndims u = jnp.reshape(U[idx:idx + d], prior.base_shape) idx += d prior_response = prior.forward(u) except StopIteration as e: output = e.value if (not isinstance(output, tuple)) or isinstance_namedtuple(output): output = (output,) break return output def compute_log_prob_prior(U: UType, prior_model: PriorModelType) -> FloatArray: """ Computes the prior log-density from a U-space sample. Args: U: [U_ndims] a flat array of i.i.d. samples of U[0,1] prior_model: a callable that produces a prior model generator Returns: prior log-density """ gen = prior_model() prior_response = None log_prob = [] idx = 0 while True: try: prior: BaseAbstractPrior = gen.send(prior_response) d = prior.base_ndims u = jnp.reshape(U[idx:idx + d], prior.base_shape) idx += d prior_response = prior.forward(u) log_prob.append(prior.log_prob(prior_response)) except StopIteration: break return sum(log_prob, jnp.asarray(0., float_type)) def compute_log_likelihood(U: UType, prior_model: PriorModelType, log_likelihood: LikelihoodType, allow_nan: bool = False) -> FloatArray: """ Computes the log likelihood from U-space sample. Args: U: [U_ndims] a flat array of i.i.d. samples of U[0,1] prior_model: a callable that produces a prior model generator log_likelihood: callable that takes arrays returned by the prior model and returns a scalar float allow_nan: whether to allow nans in likelihood Returns: log-likelihood """ V = prepare_input(U=U, prior_model=prior_model) log_L = jnp.asarray(log_likelihood(*V), float_type) if not allow_nan: log_L = jnp.where(jnp.isnan(log_L), -jnp.inf, log_L) if log_L.size != 1: raise ValueError(f"Log likelihood should be scalar, but got {log_L.shape}.") if log_L.shape != (): log_L = jnp.reshape(log_L, ()) return log_L