Source code for jaxns.framework.distribution

from typing import Optional, List, Union, Tuple

import tensorflow_probability.substrates.jax as tfp

from jaxns.framework.bases import BaseAbstractDistribution
from jaxns.internals.types import FloatArray, IntArray, BoolArray

__all__ = [

tfpd = tfp.distributions

[docs] class InvalidDistribution(Exception): """ Raised when a distribution does not have a quantile. """ def __init__(self, dist: Optional[tfpd.Distribution] = None): super(InvalidDistribution, self).__init__( f'Distribution {dist} is missing a quantile. ' f'Try checking if your desired prior exists in `jaxns.special_priors`.')
def distribution_chain(dist: tfpd.Distribution) -> List[ Union[tfpd.TransformedDistribution, tfpd.Sample, tfpd.Distribution]]: """ Returns a list of distributions that make up the chain of distributions. Args: dist: A TFP distribution, transformed distribution or sample. Returns: A list of distributions. """ chain = [] while True: chain.append(dist) if isinstance(dist, tfpd.TransformedDistribution): dist = dist.distribution continue break # Must reverse the chain because the first distribution is the last in the chain. return chain[::-1]
[docs] class Distribution(BaseAbstractDistribution): """ Represents a distribution, which must have defined forward and inverse transformations, and a log_prob. """ def __init__(self, dist: tfpd.Distribution): self.dist_chain = distribution_chain(dist) check_dist = self.dist_chain[0] if isinstance(self.dist_chain[0], tfpd.Sample): check_dist = self.dist_chain[0].distribution if '_quantile' not in check_dist.__class__.__dict__: # TODO(Joshuaalbert): we could numerically approximate it. This requires knowing the support of dist. # Repartitioning the prior also requires knowing the support and choosing a replacement, which is not # always easy from stats. E.g. StudentT variance doesn't exist but a numerial quantile can be made. raise InvalidDistribution(dist=dist)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return " -> ".join(map(repr, self.dist_chain))
def _dtype(self): return self.dist_chain[-1].dtype def _base_shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: return tuple(self.dist_chain[0].batch_shape_tensor()) + tuple(self.dist_chain[0].event_shape_tensor()) def _shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: return tuple(self.dist_chain[-1].batch_shape_tensor()) + tuple(self.dist_chain[-1].event_shape_tensor()) def _forward(self, U) -> Union[FloatArray, IntArray, BoolArray]: dist = self.dist_chain[0] if isinstance(dist, tfpd.Sample): dist = dist.distribution X = dist.quantile(U) for dist in self.dist_chain[1:]: X = dist.bijector.forward(X) return X def _inverse(self, X) -> FloatArray: for dist in reversed(self.dist_chain[1:]): X = dist.bijector.inverse(X) dist = self.dist_chain[0] if isinstance(dist, tfpd.Sample): dist = dist.distribution X = dist.cdf(X) return X def _log_prob(self, X): return self.dist_chain[-1].log_prob(X)