Source code for jaxns.framework.bases

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Tuple, Optional, Generator, Callable

import jax.numpy as jnp

from import AbstractModel, AbstractPrior, AbstractDistribution
from jaxns.internals.shapes import tuple_prod
from jaxns.internals.types import LikelihoodInputType
from jaxns.internals.types import LikelihoodType, UType, XType, RandomVariableType, MeasureType

__all__ = [

[docs] class BaseAbstractPrior(AbstractPrior): """ The base prior class with public methods. """ def __init__(self, name: Optional[str] = None): = name
[docs] def __repr__(self): return f"{ if is not None else '*'}\t{self.base_shape} -> {self.shape} {self.dtype}"
[docs] def dtype(self): """ The dtype of the prior random variable in X-space. """ return self._dtype()
[docs] def base_shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """ The base shape of the prior random variable in U-space. """ return self._base_shape()
[docs] def base_ndims(self): """ The number of dimensions of the prior random variable in U-space. """ return tuple_prod(self.base_shape)
[docs] def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """ The shape of the prior random variable in X-space. """ return self._shape()
[docs] def forward(self, U: UType) -> RandomVariableType: """ The forward transformation from U-space to X-space. Args: U: U-space representation Returns: X-space representation """ return self._forward(U)
[docs] def inverse(self, X: RandomVariableType) -> UType: """ The inverse transformation from X-space to U-space. Args: X: X-space representation Returns: U-space representation """ return self._inverse(X)
[docs] def log_prob(self, X: RandomVariableType) -> MeasureType: """ The log probability of the prior. Args: X: X-space representation Returns: log probability of the prior """ log_prob = self._log_prob(X) if log_prob.size > 1: log_prob = jnp.sum(log_prob) if log_prob.shape != (): log_prob = log_prob.reshape(()) return log_prob
[docs] PriorModelGen = Generator[BaseAbstractPrior, RandomVariableType, LikelihoodInputType]
[docs] PriorModelType = Callable[[], PriorModelGen]
[docs] class BaseAbstractModel(AbstractModel): """ The base model class with public methods. """ def __init__(self, prior_model: PriorModelType, log_likelihood: LikelihoodType): self._prior_model = prior_model self._log_likelihood = log_likelihood @property
[docs] def prior_model(self) -> PriorModelType: """ The prior model. """ return self._prior_model
[docs] def log_likelihood(self) -> LikelihoodType: """ The log likelihood function. Returns: log likelihood function """ return self._log_likelihood
@abstractmethod def _U_placeholder(self) -> UType: ... @abstractmethod def _X_placeholder(self) -> XType: ... @property
[docs] def U_placeholder(self) -> UType: """ A placeholder for U-space sample. """ return self._U_placeholder()
[docs] def X_placeholder(self) -> XType: """ A placeholder for X-space sample. """ return self._X_placeholder()
[docs] def U_ndims(self) -> int: """ The prior dimensionality. """ return self.U_placeholder.size
# TODO(Joshuaalbert): distribution is too similar to prior, where we only need to be able to extract the log_prob and # potential tranformations from the underlying. Perhaps we should just define as ops to create priors. Try making # priors just use distribution functionality. Special priors will need treatment.
[docs] class BaseAbstractDistribution(AbstractDistribution): """ The base distribution class with public methods. """ @property
[docs] def dtype(self): """ The dtype of the distribution, in X-space. """ return self._dtype()
[docs] def base_shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """ The base shape of the distribution, in U-space. """ return self._base_shape()
[docs] def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """ The shape of the distribution, in X-space. """ return self._shape()
[docs] def forward(self, U: UType) -> RandomVariableType: """ The forward transformation from U-space to X-space. Args: U: U-space representation Returns: X-space representation """ return self._forward(U)
[docs] def inverse(self, X: RandomVariableType) -> UType: """ The inverse transformation from X-space to U-space. Args: X: X-space representation Returns: U-space representation """ return self._inverse(X)
[docs] def log_prob(self, X: RandomVariableType) -> MeasureType: """ The log probability of the distribution. Args: X: X-space representation Returns: log probability of the distribution """ return self._log_prob(X)