Source code for jaxns.experimental.evidence_maximisation

import dataclasses
import logging
from functools import partial
from typing import Tuple, Dict, Any, Optional, NamedTuple

import jax
import numpy as np
import tensorflow_probability.substrates.jax as tfp
from jax import numpy as jnp, random
from jax._src.scipy.special import logsumexp
from jaxopt import NonlinearCG, ArmijoSGD
from tqdm import tqdm

from jaxns.internals.cumulative_ops import cumulative_op_static
from jaxns.internals.log_semiring import LogSpace

    import haiku as hk
except ImportError:
    print("You must `pip install dm-haiku` first.")

    import optax
except ImportError:
    print("You must `pip install optax` first.")

from jaxns import DefaultNestedSampler, Model
from jaxns.internals.types import TerminationCondition, NestedSamplerResults, StaticStandardNestedSamplerState, \
    IntArray, PRNGKey, float_type

__all__ = [

tfpd = tfp.distributions
tfpk = tfp.math.psd_kernels

logger = logging.getLogger('jaxns')

class MStepData(NamedTuple):
    U_samples: jnp.ndarray
    log_weights: jnp.ndarray
    # log_dp_mean: jnp.ndarray
    # log_L_samples: jnp.ndarray
    # log_Z_mean: jnp.ndarray

def next_power_2(x: int) -> int:
    Next largest power of 2.

        x:  int

        next largest n**2
    return int(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(x)))

[docs] class EvidenceMaximisation: """ Evidence Maximisation class, that implements the E and M steps. Iteratively computes the evidence and maximises it. Args: model: The model to train. ns_kwargs: The keyword arguments to pass to the nested sampler. Needs at least `max_samples`. max_num_epochs: The maximum number of epochs to run M-step for. gtol: The parameter tolerance for the M-step. End when all parameters change by less than gtol. log_Z_ftol, log_Z_atol: The tolerances for the change in the evidence as function of log_Z_uncert. Terminate if the change in log_Z is less than max(log_Z_ftol * log_Z_uncert, log_Z_atol). batch_size: The batch size to use for the M-step. momentum: The momentum to use for the M-step. termination_cond: The termination condition to use for the nested sampler. verbose: Whether to print progress verbosely. """
[docs] model: Model
[docs] ns_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]
[docs] max_num_epochs: int = 50
[docs] gtol: float = 1e-2
[docs] log_Z_ftol: float = 1.
[docs] log_Z_atol: float = 1e-4
[docs] batch_size: int = 128
[docs] momentum: float = 0.0
[docs] termination_cond: Optional[TerminationCondition] = None
[docs] verbose: bool = False
[docs] def __post_init__(self): self._e_step = self._create_e_step() self._m_step = self._create_m_step_stochastic()
def _create_e_step(self): """ Create a compiled function that runs nested sampling and returns trimmed results. Returns: A compiled function that runs nested sampling and returns trimmed results. """ def _ns_solve(params: hk.MutableParams, key: random.PRNGKey) -> Tuple[ IntArray, StaticStandardNestedSamplerState]: model = self.model(params=params) ns = DefaultNestedSampler(model=model, **self.ns_kwargs) termination_reason, state = ns(key, self.termination_cond) return termination_reason, state # Ahead of time compile the function ns_compiled = jax.jit(_ns_solve).lower(self.model.params, random.PRNGKey(42)).compile() def _e_step(key: PRNGKey, params: hk.MutableParams, p_bar: tqdm) -> NestedSamplerResults: p_bar.set_description(f"Running E-step... {p_bar.desc}") termination_reason, state = ns_compiled(params, key) ns = DefaultNestedSampler(model=self.model(params=params), **self.ns_kwargs) # Trim now return ns.to_results(termination_reason=termination_reason, state=state, trim=True) return _e_step
[docs] def e_step(self, key: PRNGKey, params: hk.MutableParams, p_bar: tqdm) -> NestedSamplerResults: """ The E-step is just nested sampling. Args: key: The random number generator key. params: The parameters to use. p_bar: progress bar Returns: The nested sampling results. """ # The E-step is just nested sampling return self._e_step(key, params, p_bar)
def _m_step_iterator(self, key: PRNGKey, data: MStepData): num_samples = int(data.U_samples.shape[0]) permutation = jax.random.permutation(key, num_samples) num_batches = num_samples // self.batch_size if num_batches == 0: raise RuntimeError("Batch size is too large for number of samples.") for i in range(num_batches): perm = permutation[i * self.batch_size:(i + 1) * self.batch_size] batch = MStepData( U_samples=data.U_samples[perm], log_weights=data.log_weights[perm] ) yield batch def _create_m_step_stochastic(self): def log_evidence(params: hk.MutableParams, data: MStepData): # Compute the log evidence model = self.model(params=params) # To make manageable, we could do chunked_pmap log_dZ = jax.vmap( lambda U, log_weight: model.forward(U) + log_weight )(data.U_samples, data.log_weights) # We add the log_Z_mean because log_dp_mean is normalised log_Z = logsumexp(log_dZ) return log_Z def loss(params: hk.MutableParams, data: MStepData): log_Z, grad = jax.value_and_grad(log_evidence, argnums=0)(params, data) obj = -log_Z grad = jax.tree_map(jnp.negative, grad) aux = (log_Z,) if self.verbose: jax.debug.print("log_Z={log_Z}", log_Z=log_Z) return (obj, aux), grad solver = ArmijoSGD( fun=loss, has_aux=True, value_and_grad=True, jit=True, unroll=False, verbose=self.verbose, momentum=self.momentum ) def _m_step_stochastic(key: PRNGKey, params: hk.MutableParams, data: MStepData) -> Tuple[hk.MutableParams, Any]: """ The M-step is just evidence maximisation. Args: key: The random number generator key. params: The parameters to use. data: The data to use. Returns: The updated parameters. """ # The M-step is just evidence maximisation iterator = self._m_step_iterator(key, data) opt_results = solver.run_iterator(init_params=params, iterator=iterator) return opt_results.params, opt_results.state.aux return _m_step_stochastic def _create_m_step(self): def log_evidence(params: hk.MutableParams, data: MStepData): # Compute the log evidence model = self.model(params=params) def op(log_Z, data): log_dZ = model.forward(data.U_samples) + data.log_weights return (LogSpace(log_Z) + LogSpace(log_dZ)).log_abs_val log_Z, _ = cumulative_op_static(op=op, init=jnp.asarray(-jnp.inf, float_type), xs=data) return log_Z def loss(params: hk.MutableParams, data: MStepData): log_Z, grad = jax.value_and_grad(log_evidence, argnums=0)(params, data) obj = -log_Z grad = jax.tree_map(jnp.negative, grad) aux = (log_Z,) if self.verbose: jax.debug.print("log_Z={log_Z}", log_Z=log_Z) return (obj, aux), grad solver = NonlinearCG( fun=loss, has_aux=True, value_and_grad=True, jit=True, unroll=False, verbose=self.verbose ) @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0,)) def _m_step(key: PRNGKey, params: hk.MutableParams, data: MStepData) -> Tuple[hk.MutableParams, Any]: """ The M-step is just evidence maximisation. Args: params: The parameters to use. data: The data to use. Returns: The updated parameters and the negative log evidence. """ opt_results =, data=data) return opt_results.params, opt_results.state.aux return _m_step
[docs] def m_step(self, key: PRNGKey, params: hk.MutableParams, ns_results: NestedSamplerResults, p_bar: tqdm) -> Tuple[ hk.MutableParams, Any]: """ The M-step is just evidence maximisation. We pad the data to the next power of 2, to make JIT compilation happen less frequently. Args: key: The random number generator key. params: The parameters to use. ns_results: The nested sampling results to use. p_bar: progress bar Returns: The updated parameters """ # next_power_2 pad num_samples = int(ns_results.total_num_samples) n = next_power_2(num_samples) p_bar.set_description(f"Running M-step ({num_samples} samples padded to {n})... {p_bar.desc}") def _pad_to_n(x, fill_value, dtype): return jnp.concatenate([x, jnp.full((n - x.shape[0],) + x.shape[1:], fill_value, dtype)], axis=0) log_weights = ns_results.log_dp_mean - ns_results.log_L_samples + ns_results.log_Z_mean data = MStepData( U_samples=_pad_to_n(ns_results.U_samples, 0.5, float_type), log_weights=_pad_to_n(log_weights, -jnp.inf, float_type) ) desc = p_bar.desc last_params = params epoch = 0 log_Z = None while epoch < self.max_num_epochs: params, (log_Z,) = self._m_step(key=key, params=params, data=data) l_oo = jax.tree_map(lambda x, y: jnp.max(jnp.abs(x - y)), last_params, params) last_params = params p_bar.set_description(f"{desc}: Epoch {epoch}: log_Z={log_Z}, l_oo={l_oo}") if all(_l_oo < self.gtol for _l_oo in jax.tree_leaves(l_oo)): break epoch += 1 return params, log_Z
[docs] def train(self, num_steps: int = 10, params: Optional[hk.MutableParams] = None) -> \ Tuple[ NestedSamplerResults, hk.MutableParams]: """ Train the model using EM for num_steps. Args: num_steps: The number of steps to train for, or until convergence. params: The initial parameters to use. If None, then the model's params are used. Returns: The trained parameters. """ if params is None: params = self.model.params log_Z = -jnp.inf # Initialize the progress bar with a description p_bar = tqdm(range(num_steps), desc="Processing Steps", dynamic_ncols=True) ns_results = None for step in p_bar: key_e_stek, key_m_step = random.split(random.PRNGKey(step), 2) # Execute the e_step if ns_results is None: p_bar.set_description(f"Step {step}: Initial run") else: p_bar.set_description( f"Step {step}: log Z = {ns_results.log_Z_mean:.4f} +- {ns_results.log_Z_uncert:.4f}" ) ns_results = self.e_step(key=key_e_stek, params=params, p_bar=p_bar) # Update progress bar description # Check termination condition log_Z_change = jnp.abs(ns_results.log_Z_mean - log_Z) if log_Z_change < max(self.log_Z_ftol * ns_results.log_Z_uncert, self.log_Z_atol): p_bar.set_description(f"Convergence achieved at step {step}.") break # Update log_Z and log_Z_uncert values log_Z = ns_results.log_Z_mean # Execute the m_step p_bar.set_description( f"Step {step}: log Z = {ns_results.log_Z_mean:.4f} +- {ns_results.log_Z_uncert:.4f}" ) params, log_Z_opt = self.m_step(key=key_m_step, params=params, ns_results=ns_results, p_bar=p_bar) if ns_results is None: raise RuntimeError("No results were computed.") return ns_results, params